Victim Support

Victim Support Services is a specialized function within the Office of Case Management & Victim Support Services. Our aim is to empower students who are victims and survivors of crime to make informed decisions in their recovery process. We also assist friends, faculty/staff, parents and loved ones. 

The services we provide are student-centered and focus on promoting student safety and well-being. Services include: emergency housing, housing reassignment, academic assistance, health and counseling referral, legal referral and advocacy (Office of Student Conduct, civil court, criminal court), and ongoing support throughout the recovery process. 

We understand that students choose to seek help from a variety of campus departments. Our role is to provide a web of support in helping students coordinate information and navigate between different departmental support services. Thus, we collaborate with various departments at Tulane University including:

A Note On Confidentiality 

Tulane University recognizes that confidentiality is particularly important to victims of crime and survivors of sexual assault. As a student at Tulane University you have several options in which to report an incident. These options fall into three categories; Confidential, Private and Anonymous. It is important for you to understand the differences between these categories.

Confidential: These resources offer strictly confidential services. Except in rare, extreme circumstances, nothing will be shared without your explicit permission. Exceptions to strict confidentiality are when the provider believes you are a threat to yourself or others. We encourage all victims and survivors to seek counseling in order to process her/his experience, options, and to begin the recovery process.

Private: These conversation are kept as private as possible, but information must be shared with key staff members so that the University can offer resources and accommodations and take action if necessary for reasons of safety. In planning any resource, the wishes of the person are given full consideration. A campus-wide safety alert may be warranted but will not contain the victim’s name or specific address.

Anonymous: Anonymous crime reporting is NOT for emergency situations. Anonymous reporting is an option if you are afraid of being identified as the complainant. However, you should realize that anonymous reports may not receive immediate and attention and must include sufficient detail where the appropriate officials are able to conduct an investigation if determined to be warranted.

Tulane University must adhere to legal mandates such as Title IX, medical reporting laws, and the Jeanne Clery Campus Security Act. For example, Tulane University is required to make an annual report documenting the occurrences of violent crimes on campus, including sexual assault. However, this report does not include any information identifying the individuals (including the victims) linked to these crimes.