Absences for Illness

We are sorry you are sick and not feeling well. We understand you are focused on your academic success and want to help you limit the academic impact. Being proactive in communicating with your professor(s) is critical. You should contact your professor(s) as soon as possible to let them know you might be missing class and/or assignments. 

Here are some steps to take when you know you may be absent from class because of illness:

  1. Check the course syllabus of the impacted class(es) and determine the absence protocol.
  2. For NTC undergraduates, please also refer to the attendance policy in the University Catalog
  3. Email your professor directly with your name, course number, reasoning, and accommodation request. See example below:

Hi Professor, 

My name is ____ and I am in your ____ course this semester. I am writing to let you know that I will be absent from class due to ____. I am kindly asking for an accommodation regarding my absences and any late assignments. Per the syllabus, I understand that I'm allowed ____ number of absences in your class. I would be happy to set up a meeting with you to discuss further.

Thank you and I hope you have a great day.

